Getting Tensorflow Extended (TFX) 1.14.0 to work with apple silicon natively

Dec 18, 2023 · 582 words · 3 minute read

TFX is not compatible with Apple Silicon yet, though there are a few pull requests in flight to make this happen. If you are willing to build your own wheels against the 1.14.0 tags with the relevant pull requests, it is possible to run TFX natively, though I have no idea how to run the appropriate test suites to verify full compatibility. See this post for how to get TFX master working w/TF 2.15.0

You will need to build patched 1.14.0 versions of

  1. google/ml-metadata [Pull Request] [Branch w/PR applied to 1.14.0 tag]
  2. tensorflow/tfx-bsl [Pull Request] [Branch w/PR applied to 1.14.0 tag],
  3. tensorflow/data-validation [Pull Request] [Branch w/PR applied to 1.14.0 tag]

Installing them to a venv or conda/mamba environment should then allow you to install tfx==1.14.0. All the usual caveats of installing hand-rolled versions of libraries apply. Here be dragons!

Building and installing


  1. Xcode >=15 (Xcode Command Line tools being at 15 is not enough, you really want Xcode)
  2. Cmake and Bazelisk (homebrew install works)
  3. Python 3.9 or 3.10

I’ll use venv but conda like environments should work too. I’ve tried this with an M1 Pro on Sonoma 14.2 and Xcode 15.0, Python 3.9, 3.10 and micromamba/venv but YMMV


  1. Create and activate your venv
    python -m venv .venv
    . .venv/bin/activate
    pip install -U pip wheel
  2. Pin the version of Bazel to 5.3.2 (from ml-metadata’s version)
    export USE_BAZEL_VERSION=5.3.2
  3. Clone and build the required projects:
    1. google/ml-metadata

      git clone
      cd ml-metadata
      git checkout v1.14.0-m1fix
      python bdist_wheel
      pip install dist/ml_metadata-1.14.0-cp310-cp310-macosx_11_0_universal2.whl
    2. tensorflow/tfx-bsl

      git clone
      cd tfx-bsl
      git checkout r1.14.0-48-Allow-compilation-on-m1-macs
      pip install numpy # (per `tfx-bsl` source building instructions)
      python bdist_wheel
      pip install dist/tfx_bsl-1.14.0-cp310-cp310-macosx_11_0_universal2.whl jsonschema==4.17.3
      • If you don’t specify the jsonschema dependency, you will probably see an error like:
      ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts. ml-metadata 1.14.0 requires attrs<22,>=20.3, but you have attrs 23.1.0 which is incompatible.
      • This is because the constraint from tfx-bsl is apache-beam[gcp] >= 2.47.0, <3, and the latest, matching version of apache-beam is 2.52.0 which brings in an incompatible version attrs from its jsonschema dependency. We’ll run into this again later, but for now, compatible versions can be found from this issue for the official tfx 1.14.0 docker image
    3. tensorflow/data-validation

      git clone
      cd data-validation
      git checkout r1.14.0-205-allow-apple-silicon
      python bdist_wheel
      pip install dist/tensorflow_data_validation-1.14.0-cp310-cp310-macosx_11_0_universal2.whl
    4. And finally install tfx!

      pip install tfx==1.14.0 jsonschema==4.17.3
      • Like before, the jsonschema pin is due to transitive dependencies
    5. Due to this bug , pre-emptively run:

      pip install -U google-cloud-aiplatform "shapely<2"


I ran into something like:

Library not loaded: @rpath/libc++.1.dylib

originating from pyfarmhash. Rebuilding using:

pip install pyfarmhash --force-reinstall --no-cache-dir

seemed to work, though I’m sure more fundamental solutions exist.

Sanity Testing

python -c "from tfx import version ; print('TFX version: {}'.format(version.__version__))"

Should show 1.14.0

Using the penguin template:

export PIPELINE_NAME=sanity_check
tfx template copy \
  --pipeline_name="${PIPELINE_NAME}" \
  --destination_path="${PROJECT_DIR}" \
cd sanity_check
tfx pipeline create --engine=local
tfx run create --engine=local --pipeline_name="${PIPELINE_NAME}"

If you update the pipeline/ file to uncomment other components like in the tutorials, remember to update the pipeline before running it again

tfx pipeline update --engine=local
tfx run create --engine=local --pipeline_name="${PIPELINE_NAME}"


Big props to @nicholasjng who did most of the work on the ml-metadata pr and to @IzakMaraisTAL for helpfully documenting the dependencies in the docker issue. Please vote and comment on the PRs if you want this to actually be a thing and avoid hand rolling stuff.